Sex trade worker beaten, tied up, dragged by van: VPD
Posted March 5, 2013 1:11 am.
This article is more than 5 years old.
VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – A sex trade worker in Vancouver is in hospital after a violent assault last night.
Police say a man picked up the 42-year-old woman on the Downtown Eastside around 8 p.m. and then drove to a secluded area where he’s believed to have beaten the woman and tied her up.
About a half hour later, witnesses saw a woman being dragged by a van on Clark Street near 13th Avenue.
“The woman had managed to partially free herself and, fearing for her life, had jumped from the moving van,” says Constable Brian Montague.
The woman is in hospital with a head injury and several bruises.
“This is obviously extremely concerning for us,” says Montague. “I can’t imagine how terrified this woman must have felt being beaten, tied up and being driven somewhere that she didn’t know what was going to happen to her.”
Montague says he isn’t aware of any similar attacks that have happened recently, so there is nothing to suggest the man has done this before.
The suspect is described as a white man with a tanned complexion, balding with a moustache or goatee. He may have had an Australian accent. His van was described as a white panel van with roof racks.
If you have any information about this case, you’re asked to call the Vancouver Police Major Crime Section at (604) 717-2541 or Crime Stoppers at 1 (800) 222-8477.