Vancouver woman sees stolen bike online, steals it back
Posted August 26, 2013 1:06 pm.
This article is more than 5 years old.
VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – She says she feels little bit like Robin Hood!
A Vancouver woman who had her bike stolen got the ultimate revenge, when she tracked it down and stole it right back.
Within hours of Kayla Smith’s bike going missing, an ad featuring it turned up on Craigslist. So, Smith called the number and set up a get-together.
She saw the bike and knew from the stickers and the special brakes that it was hers.
“Obviously, I had no idea what I was going to do. I called my girlfriend Jen and was like ‘Jen, it’s my bike!’ and she was like ‘Ride Away. Go. Get on. Go. Meet me.’ and I am like ‘Okay!'”
Smith says she pedalled away and hid in some bushes with the bike until the man left.
Her story is now making the rounds on social media, and Smith says she’s thrilled to have her bike back. “I was just gleaming. I literally jumped around like a six year old getting an ice cream cone. It was ridiculous. I was like ‘Oh my God!’ I was doing booty shaking dances all over the parking lot.”
Vancouver Police Constable Brian Montague doesn’t recommend people do what Smith did. “We can arrange those types of meetings. We can do exactly what she did, but with the safety of having the police involved.”
That said, Montague says police are happy Smith was able to get her bike back.