City of Vancouver completes Gastown street repairs ahead of car-free summer project

Posted June 12, 2024 3:59 pm.
Last Updated June 12, 2024 6:42 pm.
Repairs to the brick-lined roads of Gastown are now complete ahead of a pedestrian-only pilot project on Water Street this summer.
Maple Tree Square is now open to cyclists and pedestrians, but not to cars.
The city says crews removed and replaced damaged bricks and asphalt patches as part of a $1.1 million project. Some of the bricks removed date back to the 1970s.

The City of Vancouver’s director of public space and street use, Lisa Parker, says she knows sidewalk construction can be challenging for businesses, but said the projects to beautify the area are worth it.
“We know it’s been hard on [businesses] to be impacted through that — just the noise and the impact of construction as a whole — so I’m hopeful today is a good day for pedestrians and the businesses alike,” said Parker.
Some businesses in the square have reportedly lost revenue during the construction period.
Parker thanked those businesses for their patience, and said that a transition to a pedestrian-only zone on Water Street will hopefully act as a “rebound for the economics and the overall interest and support within Gastown.”
She reminded the public that they don’t have to wait for the official transition to begin in July to visit.
“They can come down, they can enjoy the neighborhood. They can shop and dine and really show their support.”