Local journalist charged with sex crimes

SURREY (NEWS1130) -It’s news that’s sending shockwaves through the Vancouver media.

Local award winning journalist, 44-year-old Global TV reporter Ron Bencze, has been charged with five sex-related offences.

“They are alleged to have occurred between March 15, 2001 and January 17 of this year.  The offences alleged are sexual assault, touching for a sexual purpose, and invitation to touching for a sexual purpose, for a total of five charges, all of which relate to the same complainant,” explains Neil MacKenzie with Crown counsel.


Bencze, married and a father of three children, has been released from custody on a number of conditions, including not having contact with young people. He will be back in Surrey Provincial Court on February 7th.

Bencze has worked for 20 years in radio and TV in BC. He is currently a reporter at Global TV, and has won awards for his coverage of the Robert Pickton case and a series about crystal-meth. Bencze also once worked for News1130.