Task force visiting family of woman who disappeared

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Her sister vanished from the Downtown Eastside back in June of 1997. Now, for the first time, the Missing Women’s Task Force will be paying a visit to the home of Sandra Gagnon.

Gagnon is anxious about the visit next week, but is hopeful police may have found Janet Henry’s remains, or may have more information into her investigation. “I have a feeling they might have found her, because this is the first time they’ve ever been coming to my home in 13 years.”

She says the family needs closure. “I want to find answers because it is just the most horrible thing to go through having a missing loved one. Yet we have so many reasons to believe she ended up on that Pickton farm.”


Henry was not among the women Pickton was accused of killing. She is one of the 64 women who appeared on a police poster of those who vanished from the Downtown Eastside.