Thieves targeting holiday shoppers

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The Christmas shopping season is in full swing and it is also open season on shoppers as thieves look for easy pickings.  Typically there are two easy targets: your vehicle and your bank account.

It should be obvious, but you should always protect your PIN when purchasing with a debit or credit card, shield the keypad with a hand or your body and watch your accounts for any transactions you don’t recognize.

If you see any transactions that don’t seem legitimate, report them to your bank immediately.


Smash-and-grabs are quick and easy in crowded parking lots but there are precautions you can take to help prevent them.

Try to park close to an entrance or under bright lights, the far, dark reaches of the parking lot are prime spots for thieves who don’t want to be noticed.  And try not to store items in your car, browse first and then make all your purchases on the way out.

Lock your car and arm the alarm if you have one.  Store any valuables out of sight or secured in your trunk under a blanket.

Police say thieves need about 10 seconds to smash your window and grab your goods.

Detective Phil Ens with the Vancouver Police Auto Crime Enforcement Unit says auto theft goes up 20 to 25 per cent in December.


“People that are going to be breaking into you car for your gifts are mostly drug addicted and all they want to do is get their next drug.”

Bait gifts are also back to tempt thieves across the Lower Mainland.  Ens adds the best thing you can do is keep your presents out of plain sight, and avoid taking multiple trips with your loot to and from your car.