Court dismisses appeal on doctor-assisted suicide

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – A group against doctor assisted suicide says Canadians could be in danger now that a Kelowna woman fighting to end her life has won again with the BC Court of Appeal.

The court dismissed a plea by the federal government to strike down the ruling which gave Gloria Taylor the right to die with her physician’s help.

“We think that the decision that the Court of Appeal issued today was very well-reasoned, very thoughtful. It really took into consideration the government’s argument quite seriously… but also, Gloria’s rights,” explains Taylor’s lawyer, Carmen Cheung.


Cheung and her client are pleased with the ruling

“It is certainly very encouraging that the court of appeal sided with Gloria, at least at this very preliminary stage.”

Federal Justice Minister Rob Nicholson has said the government believes the country’s existing Criminal Code ban on assisted suicide is constitutional.

Where does the case go now?

Many expect it to go to the Supreme Court of Canada.


Executive Director of the Euthanasia Prevention Coalition of Canada Alex Schadenburg feels we need to look further at how to care for people, not at how we kill them.

“Giving a constitutional exemption to one person then opens the door for others to request their own constitutional exemption.”