Recycling project includes Vancouver’s binners

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – A new recycling pilot project in Vancouver has included input from the city’s binners. Blue boxes from Encorp Pacific have been put in around beaches and parks.

Ken, who didn’t want to give his full name, used to pick bottles for a living and says this will make the lives of many who depend on that income, a lot easier.

“A person now who’s digging in the garbage has to dig through all the other stuff that’s in there in order to get to the good stuff like the bottles and cans that are worth something,” he says, adding that the process can often be unpleasant or dangerous.


Vancouver Mayor Gregor Robertson says the design was a group effort.

“We had great advice from United We Can and some binning entrepreneurs there who gave some design ideas for this so it’s easy to open and easy to close,” he says. “We’ll expect that they will be responsible for taking care of these bins and making sure it works well and doesn’t make a mess.

Robertson adds the year-long pilot project is part of the Vancouver’s zero waste goal. “The city is integrating this into our existing waste operations so there’s no existing cost we’re looking at.”