Thousands of dollars found in donated jeans

ABBOTSFORD (NEWS1130) – You know that old saying don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater?

Well, this may be the saying to replace it — don’t throw out $6,000 with your pants.

A wife from Abbotsford bundled up a bunch of her and her husband’s clothes and sent it off to a charity.


Unfortunately, that bundle included a pair of her husband’s jeans that had six grand in the pocket.

“I’m still trying to wrap my mind around jeans that could contain $6,000, because I’ve never owned those pants,” says Cst. Ian MacDonald with Abbotsford Police.

Luckily, the woman called the charity and discovered someone had set the cash aside for them.

“They located the cash immediately upon receipt of the jeans, set it aside, and we were able to bring the two sides together. It’s good news for the marriage,” explains MacDonald.

And if you’re wondering, MacDonald says this is a straight arrow couple, they’d just made a withdrawal from their legitimite business.