Premier Clark participated in BC Rail meetings: MLA

VICTORIA (NEWS1130) – John Van Dongen says court documents and cabinet records show Premier Christy Clark took part in cabinet meetings related to the sale of BC Rail in June of 2003.

Clark had left meetings in November and December of that year, claiming she would have been in conflict of interest, and according to Van Dongen also said she had not been present in previous meetings.

“The fact is now it’s clear from court documents, and the cabinet agenda confirms, that on June 18, 2003 there was a cabinet meeting; she was in the cabinet meeting; she participated in the discussion in the cabinet meeting,” says Van Dongen.


The MLA says the nature of her conflict wasn’t brought up, but it may have been related to her family’s relationship with a lobbyist from one of the companies trying to buy BC Rail.

“She made denials of really knowing him at all; talked about meeting him in heli-jet terminals. In fact, the documents show a much closer relationship than that,” he says.

Van Dongen has asked the conflict of interest commissioner to launch an investigation.