Studio claims new BC film industry numbers skewed

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The BC film industry was stable last year, according to new numbers from the province’s film commission, but one local studio says the figures are being skewed by the Liberal government.

Spending by both filmmakers and TV producers was up last year by $27 million and nearly a dozen more domestic projects were booked than in 2011.

But Peter Leitch with North Shore Studios says things for them started off positive, but it’s been a struggle for nearly a year.  “We’re seeing some talent migrate out of the province and we’ve got infrastructure at risk as a result of the differential in tax credits.  We recognize this is a tough situation right now but we want to put people back to work.”


He is uncertain about the future, however, the province thinks things are looking up for 2013,  adding we’re only $60 million within Ontario’s production numbers.

“Of course they’re interested in a PST exemption; as of April 1st they’re going to have to contend with that and it’s something, that I’ve said consistently, I think the government will have to look at it we just can’t afford to do it right now,” says Bill Bennett, Minister of Community, Sport and Cultural Development.

But Leitch disagrees, adding tax breaks are key to help the high unemployment rate within the local industry.  “I think we’re down this first quarter about 35 per cent and that’s really substantial and again our concern is always looking forward to seeing where things are going.  How are we going to end the year?”

There have been ongoing meetings with the province, but so far no solution.  “There doesn’t appear to be an immediate crisis in terms of jacking up the tax credits today because the industry had such a terrible year in 2012, it didn’t have a terrible year in 2012,” adds Bennett.

For 2012-13, the BC government will provide an estimated $330 million in tax  credits for film, television and digital interactive media.