Jordan Lucas sentenced for torturing animals

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – A 17-month sentence has been handed to the 29-year-old man from Vancouver caught on video in an horrific attack on a kitten and a mouse last year.

Police began investigating after a woman bought a television on Craigslist and there was an SD card left in the slot. She watched it and saw Lucas punching, choking, and throwing the animals against a wall.

Eventually, more videos were found showing Lucas doing similar things with more cats. He will receive 10 months credit for time already served.


The court heard Jordan Lucas was on drugs and had been awake for five days when the video was taken.

His lawyer Ed Cooper says this has all taken a big toll on his client.

“At the time this happened, he was going through psychosis and now, looking at what he’s done, he’s extremely remorseful,” says Cooper.

Lucas pleaded guilty and was also sentenced for several other charges, including robbery.

The judge made note of Lucas’ unstable childhood and drug addition, and said his problems would only continue if he didn’t change his life.


He’s been ordered to take counselling and cannot have possession of any animals.