BC Ferries misses deadline to explain salaries

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – BC Ferries has missed its deadline set by the province to explain why compensation levels are so high.

Our premier is still not happy with the salaries of the top managers there and Christy Clark wants the situation sorted out soon. “BC Ferries has to be sustainable in the long term so that it is there for future generations.”

She wants action now. “I certainly want to get to a resolution on it. I am not happy with these constant reports of remuneration at BC Ferries.”


She feels passengers are also waiting for answers. “Most people who take BC Ferries…when you are shelling out almost $100 to get your family somewhere back and forth on the system are also not happy about how much money these people are paid… and either am I.”

BC’s transportation minister gave the corporation 30 days to come up with changes to how is doles out bonuses to top management.

That deadline was set for early September.

“So Todd Stone has been working on that. In terms of the deadline, you are going to have to speak to Minister Stone directly about that,” says Clark.

The corporation has argued its compensation for top executives is no more than what’s allowed by the province.