Fraser Surrey Docks wants a decision soon on coal expansion
METRO VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Amid ongoing and intense opposition within Metro Vancouver, the company behind a coal expansion plan says it’s time for a decision.
Fraser Surrey Docks hopes to know sooner rather than later whether it will be given the go-ahead.
President and CEO Jeff Scott is hoping Port Metro Vancouver will make a decision within a month; he says his customers want to know, and his company would like to move on one way or another.
“We believe and continue to believe we can handle coal safely and effectively without significant impact to the community,” he says.
Burnaby City Council is the latest to voice its opposition, joining a number of other cities along with more than 3,500 pages of mostly critical feedback sent by people to Port Metro Vancouver in recent months.
Scott feels the company has addressed most of the concerns.
“We hope they can see this, at the end of the day, and see that we have taken all of their concerns and all of their issues and comments into consideration and have created a project that we think we can stand behind confidently.”
The Port continues to review the proposal, which calls for the development of a Direct Transfer Coal Facility to handle up to 4 million metric tonnes of coal.