Protesters urge McDonald’s to pull Olympic sponsorship

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – A protest outside a Vancouver McDonald’s restaurant was one of many across the world urging Olympic sponsors to end support over Russia’s anti-gay stance.

The protest was spirited at times, but never got out of hand. A large group went inside the restaurant.

“We wanted to take it to McDonald’s and ask if we can get human rights here. I simply asked ‘Can I get an order of human rights with that? I was told human rights are not on the menu here at McDonald’s,'” explains Jennifer Breakspear, who was among those in the crowd.


She says pulling sponsorship is in the best interest of companies like McDonald’s and Coke, for more than one reason.

“All the corporate sponsors these days are marketing to the LGBT community. We’re seeing the banks, restaurants, the car manufacturers want that ‘gay dollar.’ Well that ‘gay dollar’ comes with a price. You stand up for us when we’re in trouble and we’re in trouble in Russia right now.”

They say only AT&T has responded so far.

Opening ceremonies for the Olympics is on February 7th.