Canadian diplomat expelled from Russia

OTTAWA (NEWS1130) – It appears Russia is retaliating against Canada by expelling one of our diplomats.

This is the latest move in a showdown between our two countries over the ongoing crisis in Ukraine.

Canada and Russia keep trading jabs back and forth and this latest move seems to be in retaliation to Canada’s decision to kick a Russian military attaché out of our country.


Foreign Affairs says it won’t comment on the status of personnel but according to government sources, the diplomat is a first secretary in the immigration section of our embassy.

A Russian news agency says they have been given 14 days to leave.

Meanwhile, in Toronto, Russia’s ambassador to Canada was heckled today as he addressed his country’s position on the crisis in Ukraine in a speech to the Empire Club. He claims Crimea always belonged to Russia and accuses Canada of starting a “sanctions war” against his country.

Foreign Affairs Minister John Baird is currently in Europe, meeting a number of his counterparts in countries like Slovakia, Czech Republic and Estonia.

Last week, Canada sent six fighter jets to Poland as a part of a NATO mission to support our allies in the region.