Officers wearing bracelets in support of constable charged with murder

DELTA (NEWS1130) – You may see police officers around the region sporting a new accessory meant to show solidarity with a Delta Police constable.

The rubber bracelets are blue with the words ‘Honour, Integrity, Courage, and Trust’ as well as Constable Jordan MacWilliams name.

MacWilliams is charged with second degree murder following the death of Mehrad Bayrami in 2012.


He was part of the team that responded to a standoff at the Starlight Casino in New Westminster.

Delta Police Chief Jim Cessford says no ill will is meant for the victim’s family, “it’s just police officers pulling together, there isn’t anything mentioned about the victim in this matter.”

Cessford, who says he has one, claims they want to show solidarity.

“They want to show that they’re behind him. He dealt with a traumatic situation and our officers are there to say ‘hey we’re behind you, we support you and we hope everything is going to turn out okay for you.”

Cessford says police officers across the country have requested bracelets.


BC Civil Liberties Association calls the campaign problematic.

“Clearly the appropriate thing for the police to do is stand down on creating any public relations around an issue that is properly before the courts,” explains Micheal Vonn with the group.

She says the fact that Delta’s own media relations department is providing the bracelet’s means they aren’t being impartial and are using public money.

“We’re very concerned that at a minimum the optics. But I think we need to remember when we talk about the optics, what we’re talking about is public trust which we’ve already made clear, but there’s all kinds of misconduct and impropriety that does not raise to the level of illegality.”