Premier takes to Twitter, fans flames over Burrard Bridge closure for yoga

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – A tweet from Premier Christy Clark’s official Twitter account is getting a lot of backlash online.

There’s been an outpouring of tweets in response Clark’s posting, which is about opposition to her #OmTheBridge event on June 21st. On that day, the Burrard Bridge in Vancouver will be shut down for hours for a mass yoga class to mark the International Day of Yoga.

“That was a bit of self-deprecating humour,” says Clark. “Did you get it?”


Since the premier announced the event last week, many people have criticized it as a photo-op.

“It’s a little puzzling to see so many people criticizing something that thousands of British Columbians do every day to find a little bit of peace in their lives,” says Clark.

“I ask myself, ‘If we’d shut down the bridge for a ball hockey tournament or for a marathon, would some of those people still be complaining?'”

But many people did not find her tweet very amusing.

Others have called her a troll or feel the tweet should be taken as a joke.


NDP Leader John Horgan is slamming the event.

“I think that’s offensive to people, particularly people who are struggling. People are trying to make ends meet and they see the highest priority of the leader of the government is to roll down mats, close a roadway on Father’s Day, on National Aboriginal Day — she’s going to say ‘Come and look at me. I like to do yoga.'”

Clark argues thousands of people find a lot of value in yoga. “I don’t know what better day to celebrate that and honour it than the day that the United Nations has set that cities and countries around the world will also be observing. It’s a busy day, no question about it.”

“We have the United Nations day for International Yoga Day, we have the National Aboriginal Day, and then we have the Hallmark holiday of Father’s Day, which people will also be celebrating. I think there’s room for all three,” she adds.