International AIDS convention in Vancouver puts Insite in spotlight

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – They’re taking home lessons from Vancouver’s controversial supervised injection site. One local researcher says Insite has been a highlight for delegates at global AIDS conference in the city which wraps up tomorrow.

Dr. MJ Milloy with the BC Centre of Excellence for HIV and AIDS says doctors including the top addictions scientist in the US are using this opportunity to tour the facility and learn about its success.

“People who go to Insite, we’ve shown in our scientific evaluation are less likely to share used needles which means they are less likely to become infected with HIV. They’re less likely to experience a fatal overdose which is quite common for people injecting heroin and prescription opioids. Something that has been termed a public health emergency in the United States. Insite is a simple clinic in the Downtown Eastside but its importance exceeds far beyond that. That’s why it’s of interest for people all over the world.”


He hopes this will mean more facilities like it in the future, but understands there are challenges.

“Right now, the medical science is in. The question about Insite has been answered what we need to see now is the political will to scale it up to help serve the people in Canada and the United States…we need to see these successful interventions be distributed to as many people as possible to make the biggest difference possible.”

He believes cities with a growing drug problem like Montreal and San Francisco could benefit from Vancouver’s model.