Numbers up at advance polling stations

OTTAWA — We’re still waiting on Monday’s numbers from Elections Canada, but we know that as of Sunday night, 2.4 million people had voted.

That’s 16 per cent more than the first three advance polling days in the last election, in 2011.

The holiday weekend didn’t keep the leaders at home, either


Speaking at an apple farm in Waterloo, Ont. about polls suggesting his party is trailing the Liberals, Conservative leader Stephen Harper said polls don’t decide the election — voters do.

NDP leader Tom Mulcair, speaking in Maple Ridge, said despite an apparent decline in support, his party could feel the momentum.

And Liberal leader Justin Trudeau made a direct appeal to Conservative voters in a speech in Nepean, Ont., where he said small “c” conservatives are telling him they no longer see their values reflected by Stephen Harper’s Conservative Party.