Premier Christy Clark announces funding for dementia support program

KELOWNA (NEWS 1130) – BC Premier Christy Clark has announced $2.7 million in funding for a program that offers information, education and support to people living with Alzheimer’s disease.

Clark announced the funding for the First Link program on Sunday after joining in the Investors Group Walk for Alzheimer’s in Kelowna.

First Link is run by the Alzheimer Society of BC and provides people with the disease with advice about planning for the future and tips for day-to-day living. The province says the program is offered in more than 80 communities and is currently accessed by more than 12,000 people throughout BC.


For people who have recently been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, a society representative will call them to offer support, with follow-up contact every three to six months.

Clark says the announcement will help the Alzheimer Society of BC even better support families struggling with the disease.