Does the premier need a raise?

The head of the BC Green Party is taking a lot of heat this morning after suggesting the Premier and Leader of the Opposition are underpaid.

Andrew Weaver admits he probably won’t win too many fans but Christy Clark deserves it because there are nearly 3,000 people in the public sector who get paid more than the premier.

But Jordan Bateman with the BC branch of the Canadian Taxpayers Federation looks at it a different way.


“The better idea would be to bring down the high executive pay scale of all these crown corporations to the level of the premier rather than bumping the premier up. I, for one, wouldn’t mind seeing top politicians’ salary act a de facto cap for executives and public servants.”

But Bateman also says the Premier and every MLA have had their salaries frozen for several years.

“In fairness to the premier, she-and every MLA-has had their salary frozen for six or seven years now. It’s been a while since they’ve had a raise.”

Bateman thinks no one whose salary comes out of your taxes should be paid more than the premier.