Drunk cycling not recommended, but not illegal either

NEW WESTMINSTER (NEWS 1130) – It may not be the best idea, but there’s no law preventing you from getting drunk and riding your bike.

“Cyclists are expected to obey the traffic laws when they are on the road,” says Dave Jones, the Police Chief in New Westminster

Jones explains that doesn’t include the impaired driving rules.


“It all refers to the issues of a lot of the motor vehicle act deals with stuff like that, it’s a motorized vehicle as opposed to the self-powered bicycles.”

He says police officers around the country are focused on other things.

“I’ve sat with the Canadian Association of Chiefs of Police and some of the representatives there and this isn’t an issue that has arisen at this point.”

He says there are other concerns.

“The greater number of complaints we have are about cyclists who aren’t following the rules of the road, such as not stopping at stop signs or going through [red] traffic lights.”


Jones says while drinking and cycling isn’t a good idea, there’s not much momentum to create a new law for it.