BC group launches ‘M’ and ‘F’ discrimination complaint

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — A group fighting transgender discrimination is calling the province’s decision to amend the B.C Human Rights Code a “cynical attempt to get empty points” ahead of Vancouver’s Pride parade and the next election.

The Liberals announced they will introduce amendments to add “gender identity and gender expression” this week.

A group of people including the Trans Alliance Society are calling out the Liberals for failing to change what they believe is one of its most discriminatory practices.


The group has filed a complaint against the Vital Statistics Agency for issuing birth certificates that require you to list your gender.

“The complainants have all applied for birth certificates that do not have gender on them and have been denied,” says spokesperson Raquel Park.

“They are all trans or intersex people for whom the gender category male or female either doesn’t reflect their immediate reality or hasn’t affected their immediate realty in the past.”

The B.C. Human Rights Tribunal will have to rule on whether or not a gender identifier on government identification is discriminatory.

Raquel says they are expecting hearing dates to be set in December.