Interfaith forum being held in BC following Quebec mosque massacre

BURNABY (NEWS 1130) – News of the attack in Quebec City came on a night the BC Muslim Association was celebrating their 50th anniversary here in the province.

Yahya Momla from the Masjid al-Salaam and Education Centre in Burnaby says they plan to reach out to the Mosque in Quebec City in the coming days to offer their support. In the meantime, he isn’t ready to call this an act of terrorism just yet.

“We like that people afford us that benefit of waiting for the full story to emerge before condemning something as terrorism.
He goes on to say Canada is still the best country in the world accepting of many different people– and that this incident shouldn’t change that. “We still do strongly believe that Canada is the best country in the world and that Canadians are a very diverse and accepting group of individuals and let’s not let an incident like this take away from that.”


Rizwan Peerzada with the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’ in Abbotsford admits he was surprised to see an attack so violent north of the border. “I know that Canadian people are with us and everyone is in a state of sadness.”

He says the last week has been challenging for the Islamic community following President Donald Trump’s ban on people from predominately Muslim countries from entering the US. “But we are taught to be patient. The Muslim community has a lot to do to show they have patience and God will help them if they do that.”

Peerzada calls what happened in Quebec City a terror attack. “In spite of this tragedy, we will continue to pray for those who are with us and those who are having ill-feelings about the Muslim community. May God help them.”

An interfaith forum is being held on Wednesday from 6 p.m. to 8:45 p.m. at Columbia Bible College at 2940 Clearbrook Road. There is free admission and it’s open to the public.