City of Vancouver approves new logo, not all councillors approve

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Don’t be surprised if you see new City of Vancouver logos popping up around you.

City council has approved a new design.

While a majority of councillors voted in favour of the new look, there were two who voted against the eventual change.


The NPA’s George Affleck was concerned about how bland the new logo is and he says there was some concern about the lack of process with the public in any capacity. He feels people in general seem very disappointed with the new logo.

Affleck says the changes won’t come cheap.

“One of the challenges, is that when you change the logo, we may not do the changes overnight on all the structures, but it will happen over time and that will cost into the hundreds of thousands of dollars for the city and I don’t think there is a need for that. I think we could have spent that money on more important things.”

He says the argument to make the change was a way to support digital marketing and international communication.