BCFed invites you to help spread Christmas cheer

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – If you’re looking for a last minute opportunity to volunteer this holiday weekend, you’re in luck.

You’re being welcomed to help serve dinner to the less-fortunate tonight at the BC Federation of Labour’s annual Labour Christmas dinner.

Hundreds are expected to serve while thousands are invited to eat dinner at two locations in the Lower Mainland.


Dinner coordinator Marisha Zuckerman says tonight is about more than just a meal.

“We have a bunch of toys donated by people, warm clothing donated, so all the kids get a toy and they get to see Santa. Everybody else gets to take a food hamper home.”

It’s the 23rd year the BC Federation of Labour has put on the festive feast, and volunteers can help out at either the Maritime Labour Centre in Vancouver or at the Whalley Legion.

Zuckerman adds members of the labour movement come together to pull it off.

“The food is prepared by a catering company, and the union paid for it. The bill for just the food is $30,000.”


More than 3,000 people and families are expected to take part.

Dinner is held between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m., and volunteers are asked to show up a couple of hours earlier to help prepare.