Incandescent light bulbs outnumber LEDs across BC: Hydro

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Incandescent light bulbs still rule in BC, despite energy performance standards brought in by the federal government a few years ago that have led many retailers to phase them out.

Susie Rieder with BC Hydro explains more than three-quarters of people across the province say they have at least one incandescent bulb in their home. “In those homes that have at least one incandescent, the average number is about 17, so these remain the most widely used type of bulb in BC.”

Rieder adds LED bulbs use much less energy that incandescent ones.


Starting today, until April 27th, you can get 15 per cent off certain LED bulbs at a number of retailers around the province.

Participating retailers


A few years ago, the then-federal government put into place the Energy Independence and Security Act, which included legislation to make incandescent light bulbs more efficient by setting maximum wattage requirements. The new law also meant 60 and 40 watt incandescent light bulbs could no longer be manufactured or imported into the country. The idea was made to help cut down on the energy consumption nation-wide.