Multiple structures destroyed in Kitsilano fire

KITSILANO (NEWS 1130) – Dozens of firefighters battled a blaze in Kitsilano Wednesday morning.

the full extent of the damage is still unclear but three businesses, including the popular restaurant Topanaga Cafe, and several apartments along West 4th Avenue and Macdonald have been destroyed. The blaze broke out in the Topanga Cafe around 5 a.m.

A man who lives in the area says he was woken up by screams.


“I just live in the building right next door and we just woke up to somebody screaming in the ally,” he said. “Got out of bed, went on to our patio and saw flames shooting up on the back of this building.”

He says he called 911 immediately but that the fire spread very quickly. According to the Vancouver Fire Department, no injuries have been reported.

At its peak, 50 firefighters were battling the blaze.

At one point the smoke was so bad, several nearby buildings had to be evacuated.

Smoke could be seen from different areas of Vancouver.


Assistant Fire Chief Dan Stroup says crews will probably be there all day.

The cause of the fire is still unknown.

-With files from Marcella Bernardo