Five puppies rescued during BC wildfire battle

KAMLOOPS (NEWS 1130) – One crew tackling wildfires deep in the BC Interior has made an adorable rescue.

They were heading home after working a fire in the Kamloops area when they noticed a group of five golden retriever puppies wandering down the highway.

“They didn’t see any houses or anything nearby [the puppies] could have belonged to,” says Kyla Fraser with the BC Wildfire Service.


“After contacting the local RCMP, they were advised to bring them back. We have been in contact with the SPCA.”

According to Fraser, someone has contacted the BC Wildfire Service claiming to be the owner, but she says the BC SPCA is taking over the case and will hopefully be able to verify the claim.

A province-wide state of emergency has been in effect for BC since Aug.15.

-With files from Monika Gul