You can soon wear your transit pass on your wrist

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – If you find yourself fumbling around your bag or wallet to pull out a Compass Card as you prepare to board a bus, you might want to try wearing your pass like a bracelet.

TransLink has unveiled a “Compass Wristband.”

“This is the first wearable we’re offering. In fact, it’s one of the first wearables in North America,” Jill Drews with TransLink said.


“It works the same as a Compass Card. You load your pass on it and tap it at the gate.”

Also just like a Compass Card, you pay a $6 refundable fee for it. You can transfer your Compass credits to the wristband, but TransLink says that can only be done at a customer service centre.

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You can also register the wristband online. TransLink says that gives you balance protection and the option to sign up for things like the AutoLoad feature.

As of Monday, you can pick one up at the Stadium-Chinatown Station and the West Coast Express Office in Waterfront Station.

However, it is a limited release, with only 1,000 adult wristbands and 1,000 concession ones available. Drews adds they could add more wristbands, if there is enough interest in them.


“We are looking at other ideas, as well, and we hope to have more to share in the future,” she said.