More pets getting sick from eating drug-laced human feces, now that pot’s legal

SQUAMISH (NEWS 1130) – Local animal doctors are treating more “accidental” cases of pets with symptoms of being high.

A Squamish woman is the latest to complain after learning her dog ate pot-laced human feces in the forest. Elena Butler says after getting a $500 bill from her vet, the message is simple:

“I have nothing against people that eat edibles or bikers or hikers. I just want people to be responsible. People are getting down on dog owners about cleaning up after their dog poop — clean up after your own poop.”


Butler says she’s not seeking compensation for her bill from the vet, but she wants anyone heading into the forest to be more responsible.

“I clean up after my dog and I certainly don’t poop in the woods. People should be a lot more aware and to please — if you have to really go in the woods, bury it!”

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Tamara Tupper with the Alpenlofts Veterinary Hospital says cases of THC poisoning have become more common since October.

“We’ve seen cases in the past as well — before it was legalized. It’s definitely more frequent now. Pretty obvious symptoms, when the animal comes in with it.”

She adds if you suspect your pet has ingested drugs, you should immediately contact the nearest veterinarian. “It’s something that right now we don’t have a definitive, ‘Oh it’s definitely this.’ But symptomatically, you could assume that’s what’s going on.”


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Tupper says people need to be more careful about where they store their drugs, especially anything edible.

“Now that it’s legalized, 20 per cent of the THC that is ingested by a human will pass out into the feces, so if animals are eating it, then they’re then ingesting THC — again, causing toxicity.”

Butler took to social media to when her dog became sick after eating human feces likely left behind by a “buzzed” hiker.

“[He was] acting very stoned. He couldn’t walk. He was falling down. He was twitching. He still cannot walk. He’s still stoned and my dog only got a little dose of it and was very sick,” Butler told NEWS 1130.

She says her dog still needs treatment.