Vancouver listed among Top 20 bicycle-friendly cities around the world

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Separated bike lanes may drive commuters batty, but some experts say Vancouver is one of the most bike-friendly cities in the world.

The city places 18th in a global ranking by the Copenhagenize Index, getting high marks for its progress in cycling.

Vancouver is a “newcomer” to the list, and, according to the Index, is “one of the few North American cities to push the boundaries and steadily innovate over the past few years when it comes to bicycle urbanism.”


That includes recent changes made by city council to focus on cycling as a mode of transportation rather than just a sport, as well as the city’s push to prioritize and expand protected bike lanes each year — all “despite loud public backlash.”

However, the Index notes there is still some work needed in Vancouver.

It points out that protected infrastructure on major corridors is “practically nonexistent” outside of the city centre.

While it notes that some improvements are being made, many corridors are still unprotected from high traffic volume.

Copenhagen and Amsterdam top the list. The only other North American city to make the top 20 is also in Canada — Montreal is tied with Vancouver in the 18th spot.