Put your razor away, it’s Movember

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Nov. 1 is the first day of Movember and that means you may start seeing some fuzzy upper lips around the office.

Organizer Mitch Hermansen says what started off as a fundraiser for prostate cancer research now encompasses all facets of men’s health.

“Men aren’t as likely to go to the doctor’s. I think it comes from at the core of how we’re raised. We’re brought up under this stereotype that we need to be that stoic, strong guy that never needs to ask for help,” he says. “Unfortunately, that really works against us when it comes to our health. We go to the doctor’s late [or] we don’t go and then we catch cancer [too] late.”


Movember raises funds and awareness for prostate and testicular cancer, mental health, and suicide prevention.

LISTEN: NEWS 1130’s John Ackermann speaks with Movember organizer Mitch Hermansen

The mustache-growing fundraiser is now in its 13th year, and has raised more that $255 million since 2017, Hermansen says.

“Whether you can grow a big, thick Ron Burgundy mustache or maybe a thinner one, maybe a Justin Bieber – you know what? We love them all. Because they all make a difference, they raise awareness, they raise funds, start conversations, and save lives.”

Hermansen says if you don’t want to (or can’t) grow a mustache, you can also run or walk 60 kilometres.

“You might say, ‘What’s with the 60 km?’ That represents the amount of men who die every hour by suicide. That’s the physical activity challenge.”


If detected early, the survival rate for prostate cancer is close to 100 per cent.