Lower Mainland hair salon plans for socially distanced reopening

Your next visit to the salon or barbershop is likely going to feel a little bit different. Earlier this week the province announced plans to get the economy back on track, allowing certain businesses to reopen later this month. The owners of The Warehouse Hair Company in Surrey give us a little walkthrough of some changes you can expect. David Zura explains.

SURREY (NEWS 1130) — The Warehouse Hair Company in Surrey was open for just six weeks before B.C. ordered all salons closed on March 21. 

Now, co-owner Rhea Ubatuba is planning how to safely reopen when B.C. gives the go-ahead in mid-May.

“Over the last couple of weeks it’s been a bit of a struggle,” she says. “We are just ready to reopen, we are ready to get back to work, get back behind the chairs, and see our guests again.”


She walks CityNews through what returning clients can expect.

First, there will be no perusing of magazines or chatting with fellow salon-goers while sitting in a waiting area.

“When you come in for a service you’re going to text us when you’re outside and we’re going to let you know when it’s safe to come in,” she explains.

Upon entry, clients are able to sanitize their hands and given a disposable mask if they don’t have one of their own.

Every second chair and sink will remain empty, so chatting with other patrons won’t be as easy.


Stylists will have to wear gloves and a mask.

Payment has gone contactless, and no cash is accepted.

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Greg Robins, with the Beauty Council of Western Canada, hopes people looking for a cut or colour will be patient with the changes.

“The salons are going to be the place that you remember them to be. They are always a place of fun, music, talking, hugging. Now, you’re going to have to do that physical distancing you probably won’t be allowed to talk much, especially during certain services like shampooing,” he says.

“It will be a different experience. So, we’re hoping that people will be patient and understanding as every beauty professional goes through this transition.”