UBC students could be suspended, expelled if they defy health orders

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Students at UBC are being warned to follow public health orders after reports of some gatherings on campus. The university says students could face major consequences for defying those orders.

“Suspension and, in extreme circumstances, possible expulsion from the university,” Thandi Fletcher with UBC said.


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On Friday, B.C. Public Health Officer Dr. Bonnie Henry announced the province’s COVID-19 restrictions are being extended indefinitely.

While Fletcher tells us the broader school community has been following health orders, there have been reports of some people living in residence gathering both indoors and outdoors in groups.

“That is concerning to us. We want to ensure that those students understand the importance of following health guidelines, as well as the potential ramifications if they do not,” she said.

Fletcher says the university has no tolerance for people who put others’ health and safety at risk.


“Our students must follow federal and provincial health guidelines and they must follow UBC student code of conduct, which prohibits behaviours on campus that endanger the health and safety of others,” she said.

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She adds other penalties include fines from the RCMP or possible eviction from student residences.

“We know it’s hard to stay apart, but we really believe in our students and we trust that they will do everything they can to help protect our community.”


She says an email from Student Housing and Community Services was sent out to students after reports of social gatherings earlier this week.