NFT art show comes to Downtown Vancouver

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Twenty digital street stands in Downtown Vancouver are showing off non-fungible token (NFT) artwork in a familiar, movie-poster style.

Vancouver-based Artifex Studios is organizing the show and says it chose to the city to showcase new art because three of the contributing artists call Vancouver home.

Roger Dickerman, founder of Artifex Studios, says the digital screens will be showcasing one-of-a-kind works.

“Each artwork from these 10 artists are original artwork by each artist, and they will be sold as a one-of-one, NFT.”

Asked to represent themselves in a work of art, the pieces range from beautiful feminine faces to skulls, Dickerman said.


“Some artists are comfortable with self-portrait work some artists are comfortable with animal work, spirit animals.”

The NFT show is on for 24 hours, ending Friday at 3 p.m.