VPD identifies hit-and-run suspect after dog killed, woman hurt

Vancouver police say they’ve identified the driver of a vehicle involved in a hit and run this summer that left a woman hurt and her dog dead.

In an email to CityNews, police say the person “was issued a violation ticket,” but would not provide any further details.

It happened just before 1 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 20, in the area of Garden Drive at East Pender Street.

The VPD says Becca McMeekin and her dog, Tobi, were crossing the intersection when a grey SUV turned left onto Pender and hit them.

“The vehicle made kind of a short turn into the crosswalk, hitting her dog, and making contact with her. It sounds like there was a brief pause in moment where they made eye contact and the driver simply drove off,” Const. Jason Doucette explained.

“The dog was pulled under the car — the dog was on a leash — and because of the momentum of the vehicle, [the woman] was actually pulled in and contact was made with the shoulder. It could have been a lot worse.”

A woman holds a small beige and white dog in her arms while she presses her face into his head. They are standing in front of the ocean

Vancouver police say a dog is dead after a hit and run on Aug. 20. Pictured is Becca with her dog Tobi, a one-and-a-half-year-old Corgi-Pomeranian mix. (Courtesy Michael Rush)

The driver then left the scene in a vehicle police described as a dark grey SUV, “likely a Jeep Patriot.”

The VPD said at the time that “there is no question” the driver knew they hit the dog and woman.

“I’m a very forgiving person, but he left us here. He left Tobi there to die,” McMeekin told CityNews in August.

Tobi was a one-and-a-half-year-old Corgi-Pomeranian mix.

Vancouver police say a one-and-a-half-year-old dog named Tobi was killed in a hit and run in August. (Submitted/Courtesy @dogsoftempleton)

“It’s been a nightmare,” McMeekin said through tears. “Waking up every morning and [Tobi] not being there.”