B.C. emergency alert system test scheduled for Wednesday

Canada’s national emergency alert system, Alert Ready, will be conducting a test Wednesday in all provinces and territories, with the exception of Alberta and Quebec.
Public test messages from the emergency alerting system will be sent to all TV and radio stations, as well as wireless devices.
In B.C., the test is scheduled for 1:55 p.m. PDT. The test times vary for the rest of Canada.
The testing sound will simulate an emergency alert, beginning with the alert tone.
The message people will hear and read is: “This is a TEST of the BC Emergency Alert system. This is ONLY a TEST. In an emergency, this message would provide safety information that could save your life. Visit emergencyinfobc.ca to learn more. Again, this is ONLY a TEST. No action is required.”
These tests are usually conducted twice a year, in May and in November. Alberta and Quebec don’t have a test scheduled in May.
Canadians do not have the option to opt out of the test or actual alerts.
Emergency alerts are issued for kidnappings (Amber Alerts) and other policing-related situations, as well as in the event of biological threats, hazardous materials, air quality, falling objects, severe weather, national security, civil emergencies, animal danger, and 911 outages.
People are being urged to not call 911 about the test.