Waiver extension on international student work limits praised by B.C. students

The BC Federation of Students is applauding a move by the federal government to extend a temporary policy allowing international students to work off-campus more than 20 hours a week.

That policy was set to expire this month but has been moved to April.

Chair of the federation Melissa Chirino says allowing international students to work more hours helps those who’ve been worrying about losing income. As well, she says it makes sense to let international students decide how much work to take on, given how much value they bring to the table.


“They pay up to five times more on tuition fees,” she said. “Essentially we’re allowing students to come here and study. They’re essentially adults that they should be able to make the decision whether they’re able to work more if needed.”

She fears once the work limits are back in place, though, students might be forced to seek under-the-table employment.

Minister of Immigration, Refugees, and Citizenship Marc Miller says a permanent 30-hour off-campus work limit is being considered as a possible solution. But the federation of students is advocating a total removal of any limits, so students themselves can determine how many hours they want to work.