Changes coming to Vancouver crosswalk where high school student hit by car

Two weeks after a 15-year-old high school student was hit crossing the street near their school, the City of Vancouver is promising to make it safer for pedestrians.

The city says flashing lights and proper crosswalk markings will be added at West 16th Avenue and Wallace Street, on the corner of Lord Byng Secondary School, sometime next year.

The move comes after the teen was left with “serious and life-altering injuries,” according to the Vancouver Police Department.


“From what I do know … these injuries were very, very serious. At the time, when this occurred, it was life-threatening. It’s now going to be life-altering. What that means, we don’t know, but we do believe the impact of this collision is going to affect her greatly,” Const. Tania Visintin said on Jan. 31, one day after the incident.

Visintin shared at the time that impairment was not believed to have been a factor in the crash, though she did not rule out speed or other factors.

According to data from ICBC, there were 24 crashes reported at the same intersection between 2018 and 2022.

ICBC crash data. (Courtesy ICBC)

It’s unclear if the city’s move to make the intersection safer will be enough for people who live and work in the area.


They say raised crosswalks and a more visible presence from the VPD would also help.

With files from Cole Schisler