Jump in business for cabbies as cruises dock

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Today several cruise ships will be docking at Canada Place simultaneously bringing in a flood of tourists all at once.  And cab companies are welcoming all the extra business that comes with the nearly 20,000 passengers pouring into Vancouver’s downtown core.

“With those numbers you’re looking at 30 to 40 per cent up on the day, compared with other Saturdays,” says Amrik Mahil with the Vancouver Taxi Association.

He adds cabbies depend on things like the cruise ship season.  “Usually on the weekends you just sit and wait for the next call and now for a change you’ll be picking people up, dropping them off, and running back to the ships.  So it’s good news for taxi drivers.”


“That’s crucial because our summer season is pretty much built around the cruise ship schedule, so cruise ships are even more critical.”

Mahil explains all the talk about a shortage of cabs, is simply not true.  “The local people will be served just as efficiently and effectively as they are any other Saturday or Sunday, so taxis will be available for everybody, not just the tourists.”

Port Metro Vancouver has sent out an alert about all the extra passengers arriving on four cruise ships today between 7 a.m. and 5 p.m.