Interest growing in locally-raised Thanksgiving turkeys

VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – With Thanksgiving dinner around the corner, this weekend has definitely gone to the birds.

Forget about deep-frying your turkey or brining your bird in your bathtub.

Jason Pleym with Two Rivers Meats in North Vancouver says this year people seem to be keeping it simple. “Instead of doing all the fancy, try it this way and do it that way, people are just like, let’s get a good quality bird and do a traditional roast on it, let’s keep the breast side up and do a stuffing and put it in.”


Pleym says people are steering away from specialty items like “Tur-duck-hen” and caring more about where and how the birds are raised. “From what we’re seeing, people are super interested in farm source stuff. They want to know what the farm is, where is it from, what part of the interior. People are just looking for information.”

He adds people this year are focused on buying organic birds raised locally. Canadians are expected to eat over 3.1 million turkeys on the Sunday and Monday.