Daredevil duo attempting potentially painful world record in Vancouver

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – If you’re not quite into the spirit of Halloween yet, maybe this will tip you over the edge.

A couple of sideshow freaks will be trying to break a potentially grisly Guinness World Record in Vancouver this morning.

They call themselves the Monsters of Schlock: the Great Orbax and Sweet Pepper Klopek.


Mr. Orbax will be doing the honours, “by lying on a bed of nails and having riders ride over me on motorbikes.”

The idea is to smash the record of 31 in two minutes, while not smashing or impaling Orbax.

“We’re attempting to do more than that — hopefully, destroy it. But at this point, I’d be happy with 32,” he tells us.

That begs the question: Doesn’t that hurt?

“We did a test run… It turns out, yes, it does,” he laughs. “I wasn’t that worried about it, originally. But it turns out it’s painful and scary.”


The destructive duo has set 22 crazy world records over the years. Strangely, they don’t have a lot of competition.

“Shockingly, no,” says Orbax. “In the industry, there are people who always say, ‘Yep, we’re going to break that.’ But no one ever seems to step up to the plate.”

Today’s world record attempt happens at 11 a.m. on the grounds of Fright Nights at Playland.