NEWS 1130 Worst Commute winner travels nearly three hours daily

CHILLIWACK (NEWS 1130) – The last winner in our Worst Commute contest may have you feeling grateful for a commute that may just last an hour. Charlene Dubois drives from her home in Chilliwack to Kitsilano for work.

I have worked for BC Ambulance scheduling since 2007, and up until 2012 lived in Burnaby and worked at Broadway and Renfrew. In 2012 we moved to Chilliwack and I continued to commute. We worked 12.5 hours two days and two nights and I found the trip home too long after a night shift. I started to rent a room off a friend for my first day shift and last night shift. In December 2014 the office moved to Kitsilano, which made the trip from Coquitlam almost as long as the trip from Chilliwack.

I tried to go Monday to Friday and go home on Wednesday’s and Friday’s, and three weeks in a row it took me 2.5 hours to get home. I lasted until September 2016 and have now gone casual, so I drive back and forth from Chilliwack when I work. An average day takes me almost an hour to get to the highway, after work, I have tried several routes with none being better than the other. I start most shifts at 6 a.m. so my morning commute is not that bad, but getting off at 4 p.m. at Burrard and 7th Avenue is a nightmare, and when I work the whole day until 6:15 p.m. is not much better. It is usually an hour and 45 minutes on a good day so I try to only take two or three shifts a week.


Charlene gets $500 from our partners at Jim Pattison Volkswagen Surrey.

You told us about your Worst Commute and we listened. We had entries this year from 100 Mile House to Burnaby, Hemlock Mountain to Downtown Vancouver, and from New Westminster to Richmond.

We had hundreds of entries and we gave away thousands of dollars. Thanks to everyone who sent us their stories.

Vancouver’s Worst Commute from Jim Pattison Volkswagen Surrey in the North Surrey Auto Mall and the station that never steers you wrong NEWS 1130 — Vancouver’s breaking news, traffic, and weather station.