Unsung Hero: Local man goes above and beyond to help the homeless

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – Congratulations to this week’s Unsung Hero,Wayne Masing. He was nominated for the award by David Sugiyama. Here’s his story:

Wayne is the lead organizer, host, fund raiser, announcer, occasional grocery shopper and all around leader for the Food For Life Community Dinner; every Wednesday evening anyone needing a good meal and a safe place to relax for a few hours is welcomed by a dedicated group of volunteers headed up by Wayne. 

All of the workers are volunteers from the community as is Wayne…yes, he has a full-time day job too but puts in countless hours of his own time overseeing and managing the community dinner, making sure the homeless and marginalized folks in the community have a place to go for a free meal every week. 


Throughout the summer when the community dinner is not operating Wayne makes sure there are still a number of take-out meals ready every Wednesday for delivery to the many homeless folks in the area.  All this is done with a smile and an infectious enthusiasm that energizes the volunteers around him and brings a sense of trust to the many needy guests coming to the dinner every week.

Alpine Credits is acknowledging Wayne with $500 to say thanks for stepping up and they’re also making a $1,000 donation to the Ronald McDonald House Children’s Charity.

Everyone knows an Unsung Hero. Nominate yours now by clicking here and give credit where credit is due with Alpine Credits and NEWS 1130.