All work and no play? May is ‘Revise your work schedule’ month

VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) – If your work-life balance is a little too weighted towards the “work” side, May is for you — it’s “Revise Your Work Schedule” month.

Workplace expert Eric Termuende says when it comes to achieving true work-life balance, people can start by looking at how and where they work.

“We’ve got the ability to work from more places, more times of the day, using more devices than we ever have before. Work isn’t necessarily just a ‘check in, check out’ 9-5 kind of experience. And if we’re going to be revising our work schedule, I think it means taking a hard look at the time we’re actually spending at work; perhaps not even at work but just working.”


And, Termuende says work-life balance isn’t a generational concept either. He points to studies that suggest what you value, need, and expect at the workplace doesn’t depend on whether you’re a Baby Boomer, a Gen-Xer or a Millennial.

He adds loneliness at work is a growing problem, due in part to technology and being disconnected, so to speak, from our colleagues.

“So, if we’re looking at revising the work schedule, and looking at revising how we view work in general, I think it’s important to ensure that we’ve got deeper relationships and connections, not just with people at work, and understanding who they are, not just what they do, but with our friends and people outside of it as well.”

Termuende adds workplace engagement around the world has sunk to around 30 per cent, and part of the reason for that is, we’re never really away from our jobs.