Search continues on North Shore for pair of orphaned black bear cubs
Posted July 18, 2021 4:05 pm.
WEST VANCOUVER (NEWS 1130) — A bear rescue group on the North Shore says its been searching — without any success so far — for a pair of orphaned black bear cubs in West Vancouver.
The North Shore Black Bear Rescue Society has been out searching for a the cubs since mid-week after one of their mothers was euthanized by conservation officers, while the other mother bear was killed by a vehicle.
Society Director Luci Cadman says one of the cubs is only believed to be a couple of months old, and has been on its own for nearly 2 weeks.
“We had one sighting within a couple of minutes of the scene in the area where we thought the cub might be, but very sadly, the little one bolted from us out of sight.”
Read More: West Vancouver residents asked to be on lookout for orphan bear cubs
Cadman says traps have been set for both cubs, the young one in the Altamont Area, the other — likely around a year old — in the Caulfield area.
“It seems pretty healthy. There’s lots of natural food in the community but they’re so small and vulnerable they would still obviously be relying on their mother’s milk at this time. They need the nourishment and they need the time to grow in order to survive.”
She’s asking residents in the area to keep a close watch for any lone black bear cubs, and contact them immediately if they spot one.
“[They’re] incredibly vulnerable to vehicles. It’s very close to the highway again. Coyotes, cougars, other bears are in the community, so we need this little one at Crest Care.”