Be wary of Robert Pickton’s motives: police psychologist


VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – Be cautious of Robert Pickton‘s motives. That warning comes from criminal psychologist Mike Webster.

Webster believes the serial killer is just grandstanding when he wrote a letter to a Canadian Press reporter from prison saying, “If you’re looking for a story, ‘boy do I have one for you!!!”

In the letter, Pickton told the reporter to pose as a lawyer so prison officials would let the reporter talk to him.

The ruse is Pickton’s solution to what he describes as a “certain stumbling block” — an apparent restriction that has kept the killer away from reporters since his arrival at Kent Institution, east of Vancouver.

In the one-page letter, Pickton says he’s willing to sit down for an interview, but he suggests the only way to see him is by becoming an impostor. If the scheme works, prepare for a long session, Pickton warns, and best to bring along an actual lawyer for good measure.

Webster believes, in writing this letter, Pickton could simply want more attention as others discuss his crimes at the Missing Women Inquiry.

“He has probably been exposed to the media coverage of the Missing Women Inquiry and sees this as a opportunity to deliver the world according to Pickton,” explains Webster. “Psychopaths, sexual psychopaths, serial sexual psychopaths often have a desire to re-experience the excitement of their crimes.”

Meanwhile, a relative of one of  the women who disappeared on the Downtown Eastside isn’t opposed to hearing what Pickton has to say.

“If he’s going to give some insight into the folks that he’s victimized and he’s going to be forthcoming like the Green River Killer was, that’s of interest to me,” says Ernie Crey. “If he has something new to tell us that he didn’t have the fortitude or was under his lawyers advice not to say, and is going to help police, I wouldn’t object to hearing it.”

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