BC NDP echoes call for extended Missing Women Inquiry


VANCOUVER (NEWS1130) – The BC NDP says the Missing Women Inquiry has not been thorough enough.

Leader Adrian Dix has joined families in a call for an extension into the proceedings. Dix argues there are issues that need to be further explored. “Issues of poverty and racism and inequality.”

He believes many changes also need to be addressed. “Recently, in the way witnesses are treated; We’ve seen a preponderance of one set of witnesses who, of course, should be heard from… the police. But not from others in the community who have profound things to say.”

Lilliane Beaudoin is the sister of Dianne Rock, a suspected Pickton victim. Beaudoin doesn’t want the women to have died in vain.

“When the 20 remaining charges of murder were stayed, that left the families serving a lifetime sentence of hell,” she argues.

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